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Guys, Lets Keep It Real!
A Message of Hope for Boys Growing Up in Poverty, Racism, and Despair
by Farrell Artis

So, what's the best way to get what you want in life?

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What's in Your Future? Do you have a dream? Do you have a plan for reaching your goals? Do you think of the future in terms of what you will have instead of the kind of person you will be? Are you building relationships with your peers and with adults that will help you reach your goals? Or are you getting sidetracked by things that seem pleasurable and fun right now (goofing off in school, drinking, doing drugs, having sex) but that may hurt your chances of succeeding in the future?

As a teen, it's time to start thinking about your life's goals and what you need to do to reach them. Let's face it - very, very few of you will have the talent or luck to make it to the NBA, record a hit album, or win the big prize on a reality TV show. But there are many other paths you can follow that are worthwhile and satisfying.

So, what's the best way to get what you want in life?

Let's Get Real! Farrell Artis grew up like many of you are, in a poor neighborhood with danger lurking on street corners and playgrounds. He saw childhood friends hurt by violence and drugs. Although it took a lot of effort, he decided that getting an education, working to help children, and raising his own family would be his path to success.

Now, he wants to help you learn what it takes to succeed and get what you want in life. You can find your own message of hope as you read his story and words of advice in this book. He's been where you are and done it. You can too!

"I've read parts of Little Sisters, Listen Up! and Guys, Let's Keep It Real to my 5th and 6th grade students. The books sparked lively discussions and by the end of class, students were asking for their own copies of the book."
-- Robert Lopez, guidance counselor with the New York City Department of Education
"I regularly use several of the books you publish when working with juvenile delinquents on my case load. The one I like the most is Guys, Let's Keep It Real! . . . I give each one of them a book of their own to keep - requiring them to work through it with the small assignments in each chapter."
-Melinda Smith, Assistant Chief Juvenile Probation Officer, Upshur County, TX

Pages: 172, 6 x 9


Product Code:  102-25-018 List Price:  $9.99
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